Magnolias in Bolestraszyce, Poland
When you come to the arboretum in Bolestraszyce it’s obvious that you are here to admire the nature (arranged by a human hand a bit, of course;-) You are virtually surrounded by it and it’s a good idea to go there in May. Why in May and not in any other “green” month? The answer is simple: blooming magnolias. Bolestraszyce keepers boast that they have some two hundred magnolias in the area. Well, I don’t know about that, but one thing is sure - even a couple of them is bound to make you speechless. That’s the surrounding beauty of all the other flora species and the ability to come closer that makes it so unforgettable. You can approach each magnolia tree, touch it and feel the petals and see their leathery surface. You can smell the delicate scent they emit and admire the various colours. Look at the greenish one, for example.

A magnolia tree

A white magnolia flower

A pink magnolia flower

A magenta-coloured bud of a magnolia
And here comes the green one:

A green magnolia flower
Have a look at the size of a hand against a magnolia tree. The flowers are quite big, aren’t they?